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Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Reform

June 28, 2012

What a _great_day for working families!

The U.S. Supreme Court today upheld the Affordable Care Act as constitutional, including expansion of care to 32 million Americans, a range of consumer protections from insurance company abuses, the creation of competitive marketplaces in states for individuals to purchase lower cost insurance, and quality of care improvements.

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry issued a statement in response to the decision:

"Today's decision means that Americans like Dezeray Ybarra, a cancer survivor now in her teens, will have the healthcare she needs as she grows to adulthood.

[...] "Thanks to President Barack Obama and the members of Congress who believed that passing this law would not only save lives, but endow our children with a more promising and secure future, there are more than 100 million Americans of all political parties, ages, incomes and occupations that are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act."

Read Mary Kay's entire statement here.

Read the New York Times article on the court's Affordable Care Act ruling here.