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PPE DAY OF ACTION—call Congress on *MONDAY*

April 16, 2020

Dear Member,

It's time to make some calls to Congress. You have been on the front lines of a pandemic that has put Nurses and Health Professionals at serious risk and exposure.

Please join our DAY OF ACTION on Monday!

As a healthcare professional, I demand that Congress address:

1- Our need to provide PPE to all healthcare workers

2- Hazard pay for all essential workers putting their lives at risk

3- Paid sick and family leave for all essential workers

4- Emergency support such as subsidies for child care or housing.

It’s time our elected officials put working people at the forefront of this relief instead of millionaires and corporations.

On Monday. Call 866-426-2631 and tell Congress our demands need to be heard.

In Unity, Rosanna Mendez Executive Director, SEIU Local 121RN