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Take our survey, make your voice count for what we should fight for next year!

October 1, 2020

As you've heard, our PPE Stockpile (SB 275) and Workers' Comp (SB 1159) bills hit Governor Newsom's desk . (If you haven't called him yet to urge him to sign them into law, click here and do it today!)

It's also time to look ahead to what's next!

What else would you like to see made into law? Add your voice!

Over the past several years, SEIU 121RN members completed surveys indicating what the top legislative priorities for our Union should be. Those surveys resulted in our Whistleblower Protection (2017) and Stop Repeat Offender Hospitals (2018, 2019) bills. Read more about all the strong healthcare laws we've won by standing together.

It's time to add your voice again as we look forward to next year. Click »»» here to take our survey today and let us know what’s most important to you as we stand together to improve things during the 2021 legislative cycle.

Please complete the survey by this Monday, 9/14.

This is what Nurse-Powered Politics is all about!