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Are You at the Correct Wage Level?

May 24, 2011

Our Union is currently in the process of looking at everyone’s wages to ensure that everyone is at the correct level of pay. Those whose wage is not correct will be contacted. If you believe for any reason that you may not be on the correct step, please contactUnion Representative Phyllis Lugo so that she can assist you with your concerns.

Our union is in the process of working with management and the OR staff to resolve staffing and other issues of concern. We have been successful so far at in obtaining more staff and are working on a new on-call procedure.

Now that we have settled a contract, there will be classes scheduled as soon as the contract is printed on how to use and understand your contract. Watch for information and dates to come.

Title 22 classes will be scheduled shortly as well.

If you are interesting in becoming a Steward or a Contract Action Team member, please contact Phyl Lugo or one of your shop stewards.

Shop Stewards:

Rich McGowan, ICU, 805-341-5309 Nanette Logan, Super Float, 805-419-4545 Leslie Whitehouse, ED, 805-208-4951 Kevin Edwardsen, ED, 805-501-2654 Lori Brietzman DOU Charlotte Kenny-Pickard, 805-236-5724