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St. Joseph Hires Company to Track Absenteeism

July 6, 2011

Attendance Policy

The hospital has hired an outside company to handle and track absenteeism. Please be aware of the policy and keep track of your own call-offs. You can be terminated for chronic absenteeism. If you are absent due to a child or family member's illness, you may be eligible for Family Medical Leave or FMLA. This will give you 12 weeks of protected occurrences.

Also be aware that chronic tardiness may also lead to discipline up to and including termination.

Click here for more information on FMLA

Clinical Ladder

Open enrollment for Clinical Ladder is from July 1 through September 30, 2011. Make sure to meet with your Clinical Ladder resource person and review all your documents before you make your appointment to meet with your manager.

It’s very important that you are prepared when meeting with your manager.

Click here to view St. Joseph Resource List


Our Union Bargaining Team has presented all the articles we want changed in our upcoming contract and we are waiting for hospital management's response. The next bargaining date is July 13, 2011.