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Management’s Layoff Demands Change With the Wind…

August 22, 2011

Our Union Wants the Truth!

In our Union’s negotiations with St. John’s management over their claim that they must reduce RN staff, the numbers go up, they go down, then they go up again. Our Union Bargaining Team is confused and frustrated by management’s inability to show us exactly where layoffs are needed and why.

Census is up. Travelers and per diems are still working the units. There are vacant RN positions throughout the hospital. RNs continue to work extra shifts and overtime. So where is the need for cuts?

Back in June, the hospital told us they wanted a reduction of 47 FTEs throughout the hospital. This including both bargaining units and management.

Regarding our nurses, the hospital first said they wanted a reduction of 16.8 full-time equivalents.

Then they proposed several float pools and the number of RN jobs lost if people did not move into these float pools rose to 20.8 FTEs.

With adjustments for per diems and the staff that accepted voluntary severance, the number then went up to 22.15 FTEs.

Finally, management has refused to acknowledge positions that are currently unfilled in the facility so now they say the necessary layoff number is approximately 40 RN jobs alone.

Will it be 50 next week? And what will their reason be then?

C’mon management… work with us. We’re willing to do our part to find a way to cut staffing costs at St. John’s. But give us numbers based on reality. Our patients deserve to receive the best care from RNs who are working within state-mandated staffing limits, and who receive required rest breaks to be at their best. We won’t settle for layoffs that are not absolutely needed.

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