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Soon, you'll nominate Chapter Officers and Executive Board Members

February 25, 2021

For timeline and further details, click »»» here.
To download a nomination petition, find your hospital »»» here.

In the coming weeks, you and your co-workers at your hospital will nominate and elect Union Chapter Officers and Executive Board Members to provide Union leadership. Your Executive Board is the governance and leadership body of your Union. Decisions that affect members at all facilities are made during Executive Board meetings. If you would like to have a voice in matters that you consider important and you would like us to focus on, consider running for a seat. Executive Board meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month and are scheduled from 9:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

Our 121RN Bylaws state:

“Executive Board shall be composed of Local Union officers, all Chapter Presidents, or permanent designee, plus one elected Representative for every 400 members, or portion thereof…”

Soon, it will be time to elect your colleagues who will represent you for the next three years.

We encourage you to begin considering who among your colleagues is best suited to help strengthen and guide our Union. Maybe it's you!

Look for more information in the coming days and weeks, including nomination forms, voting information and election results.