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San Dimas Bargaining Update December 2, 2022

December 2, 2022

The latest from union contract bargaining at San Dimas Community Hospital

Yesterday, a group of San Dimas RNs delivered a petition to management in support of your bargaining team. A strong majority of San Dimas RNs signed – sending a clear message to Prime that Nurses are standing up for safe staffing and respect.

What you can do now: Nurses have asked if it’s possible to observe the virtual bargaining sessions even if you’re not on the bargaining team. You can! Your participation helps send the message to Prime that Nurses won’t settle for anything less that a contract that protects patients and respects RNs.

Here's what your colleague Jean Farrar (RN, OB) said about taking part in this exciting action:

"We delivered this petition to management because we support our Union Bargaining Team’s effort to heal our staffing crisis. It’s up to us as Union Nurses to make the administration take staffing seriously.

Patients will suffer if we can’t keep our new Nurses, who will always leave for other facilities where competitive pay and better resources make them feel more valued.

My co-workers cannot rely on their jobs at San Dimas to support their families, pay their rents or mortgages or even make a dent in their student loans. We all deserve better than this. Nurses made a huge effort to rush to the front lines during the pandemic, and we’ve earned the right to expect to be treated with respect.

The administration needs to get serious about addressing retention Otherwise, our hospital will be in crisis."

Jean Farrar, RN, OB