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We are Nurses and other Licensed Healthcare Professionals throughout Southern California. We use our collective voice and united strength to advocate—through legislation, contract negotiations, patient advocacy and community partnerships—for #SafeStaffing levels, adequate equipment and resources, workplace violence protections and other critical issues affecting patient and Nurse safety.
Headquartered in Pasadena, SEIU Local 121RN represents more than 9,000 Registered Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals—and growing. We have regional offices in Los Angeles County, Ventura County and the Inland Empire.
Local 121RN works with our members to solve workplace problems that endanger both Nurses and patients, enforce our hard-won contract protections and defend Registered Nurses and the patients we care for at each facility and in the State of California at the legislative level.
Local 121RN is an autonomous and self-governing organization. The Union is a highly focused, efficiently operated, membership-led organization dedicated to ensuring that Registered Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals have the staffing, resources and commonsense workplace protections that allow us to do our jobs: to expertly care for patients and ensure the highest patient safety standards.
SEIU Local 121RN is affiliated with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) which represents about 2 million diverse members in healthcare, the public sector and property services. We are all united in our efforts for good jobs—where all workers are valued and all people respected, no matter where we come from or what color we are—and a better future where all families and communities can thrive and where we leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come.
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